Turlock Finished Water Transmission Main 2022
Click the months below to filter through construction photos.

Newly paved Berkeley Road

Newly paved Berkeley Road

Newly paved Berkeley Road

Newly paved Berkeley Road


Paving at Berkeley and Alderson.

Bollards and small concrete slab around Valve along the Turlock line

Installation of bollards (used to mark project boundaries) and formwork for the blow off valves on the housekeeping pad for the Turlock Finished Water Transmission Main.

Pump cans at the Water Storage Reservoir

Ozone electrical room

Paving underway at Zeering and Quincy


Turlock 42” FWTM being installed on Quincy Ave at Zeering.

42” pipe being strung on Gratton Road

Lots of activity at the project area on Berkeley and Taylor.

42” Pipe delivered to Gratton Road.

Construction underway for the 42” Turlock FWTM


42” Turlock line installation

Pipeline installation on Berkeley near Alderson Road.

Welding a “butt” strap onto the 42”FWTM pipe on the east side of Santa Fe.

Pipeline installation along Santa Fe Road

Pipeline installation along Santa Fe Road


42” Finished Water Transmission Main through the TID canal

Canal liner repair

Slurry placed over the 42” Turlock Finished Water Transmission Main at the TID canal.

The 42” Turlock FWTM being encased in Slurry across TID canal next to the Aldrich bridge

The 42” Turlock FWTM being encased in Slurry across TID canal next to the Aldrich bridge